Development of carbon adsorption process - carbon column peo
2020-11-03 14:37Introduction:Development of carbon adsorption process - carbon column peocess Carbon column processis a processfor recovering cyanide complex from solution.The activated carbon is placed in several series channels, and the solution flows upward through
Carbon column process is a process for recovering cyanide complex from solution.The activated carbon is placed in several series channels, and the solution flows upward through the carbon layer, as shown in figure 8.2-3.Using injector stringing, this process is better than using concealed impeller pump.
Most carbon column process is a section adsorption.The column is a suspended bed layer, and the fixed bed layer is studied.
One innovation of the carbon column process is the use of movable carbon adsorption column.This column is connected in series by moving the column, rather than transporting carbon from one column to another.Finally, the gold-loaded carbon is moved along with the adsorption column to desorption and pickling operations.This minimizes carbon wear.